Transportation Resource Catalog

Transportation Resource Catalog


The Department of Health and Senior Service (DHSS) and numerous public health system partners have created a catalog of transportation services that can help locate free or low cost resources available to assist Missourians with transport to medical appointments. The transportation resource is now available on the department's website.

Pet Costume Contest

Come show off your pet in all their finest at Pet Costume Contest.

June 20, 2015

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

East side of the courthouse by the gazebo.


For registration forms or more information please contact:

Andrew Cole at 816-752-4841 or visit us on Facebook

The Clawfoot Tub Pet Grooming Salon


Swimming and Water Safety

Helpful links to help you stay safe and have fun this summer.



Local Farmers Markets

Local farmers markets provide wholesome nutritious food and support local agriculture.

FarmersMarket.jpgHere are some helpful links to learn more.