Safety Town coming to Our Minnie Cline Elementary School

Safety Town

Safety Town is a miniature town designed to introduce children to the importance and methods of safety, especially pedestrian safety. The town is complete with sidewalks, crosswalks, streets, signs, traffic signals and replica buildings. The goal of the program is to reduce possible injury or death of children resulting from preventable accidents.  Safety Town familiarizes children with law enforcement officers, firefighters and other community workers. 

safety_town.jpgParticipating children will learn safety techniques addressing the following topics:

     * Pedestrian
     * Traffic
     * Bicycle
     * School Bus
     * Railroad
     * Stranger Danger
     * Playground
     * 911
     * Electrical
     * Fire
     * Animal
     * Poison Prevention
     * Internet
     * Gun
     * Weather
     * Natural Gas
     * Water

Children ages 5-7 attend Safety Town for eight days, over a two week timeframe, and learn safety skills through classroom training and exercises taught by state-certified teachers.  Law enforcement officers, teenage volunteers, and community leaders further assist with instruction.  Students take field trips to the local fire department and Park, as well as spend lots of time "on the town".  These sessions are recommended for students entering Kindergarten, First, and Second grades in Fall 2015.  If your child  attended a preschool session in the past, it is highly recommended that they be enrolled in a full session for review of previously taught safety concepts, as well as, introduction to advanced topics.    

Our Minnie Cline Elementary School Sessions:

Morning Session: June 29-July 9, 8-11:30am (M-Th) $45 (Open to Savannah SD Students Only) 

Afternoon Session: June 29-July 9, 12:30-4pm (M-Th) $45 (Open to Savannah SD Students Only).

More information is available at